3 Effortless Formulas for Writing Copy that Sells

Secrets to Writing Copy that Converts Like Crazy

My favourite form of copywriting?

One that says a lot with only a little.

This is an NRMA ad in Australia that I've seen on a few billboards recently.

If you haven't already guessed, they're an insurance company.

Here's another great one...

Copywriting can be powerful.

Here's 3 legendary copywriting formulas to help you create a compelling message:


Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

The AIDA formula is a classic way to write compelling copy.

  1. Attention: Start by grabbing the reader's attention with an eye-catching headline.

  2. Interest: Build interest with information that addresses their needs and engages them.

  3. Desire: Create a desire for your product by highlighting its benefits.

  4. Action: End with a clear call to action.


Problem, Agitate, Solution

Highlight a problem, make it urgent, and offer an irresistible solution.

  1. Problem: Start by highlighting your reader's pain points.

  2. Agitate: Then stir things up by showing how their current solution falls short.

  3. Solution: Wrap it up by presenting your solution as the answer to their problem.

By using the PAS formula, you can write copy that really resonates with your audience and gets them excited about what you have to offer.

The Before-After-Bridge Formula

It's all about showing your audience the problem, the change they'll get with your product, and how it works.

  1. Problem: Works by showing the reader what their life was like before they had your product/service (Before)

  2. Change: What it's like now that they have it (After)

  3. Bridge: And how they got from one to the other (Bridge).

By using the BAB formula, you can grab attention and convince your audience that your product is the answer to their problem.

That's it for this week!

Thanks for reading.
