A copywriting technique that can skyrocket your conversions...

Did you know that there's one copywriting technique that can skyrocket your conversions?

And no, it's not what you think!

It's not about writing longer sales pages or adding more call-to-action buttons.

In fact, it's something that's been right in front of you all along, but you've probably been overlooking it.

Are you ready for the big reveal?

The copywriting technique that can transform your business is...

Reverse psychology!

Wait, what?

I know, I know, it sounds counterintuitive.

But hear me out.

Reverse psychology is all about getting someone to do what you want by telling them to do the opposite.

And it works like a charm, especially in copywriting.

So, in this 5-minute read, I'm going to show you:

  • Why reverse psychology works.

  • How to use reverse psychology to increase conversions and grow your business.

Are you ready?

Why Does Reverse Psychology Work?

It's all about human psychology.

We're wired to resist being told what to do, but we're also curious creatures.

When someone tells us not to do something, our natural inclination is to want to do it even more.

Think about it: when you see a sign that says "Wet Paint, Do Not Touch", what's the first thing you want to do? Touch it, right?

Like this example here:

So, how can you use reverse psychology in your copywriting to increase conversions?

Here are 5 tips to boost your conversions with reverse psychology:

  1. Tell your audience what not to do: Instead of telling your audience what they should do, tell them what they shouldn't do. For example, instead of saying "Sign up now", say "Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!"

  2. Highlight the negatives: When you're promoting a product or service, don't be afraid to talk about its flaws or drawbacks. This can actually make it more appealing to your audience. By acknowledging the negatives, you're showing that you're honest and transparent.

  3. Use humour: Humor is a great way to use reverse psychology in your copywriting. For example, you could say "Don't buy this product if you hate saving money!" This creates a sense of humour and playfulness, while also encouraging your audience to buy your product.

  4. Create a sense of exclusivity: Use reverse psychology to make your audience feel like they're part of an exclusive club. For example, you could say "This product is not for everyone. Only those who are serious about improving their lives should apply."

  5. Use FOMO: Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator. Use reverse psychology to create a sense of urgency and scarcity. For example, you could say "Don't wait to sign up! Only a few spots left!"

Here's one of my favourite examples from Patagonia on black Friday:

To finish:

This week I created an account on medium and wrote my first 2 articles.

Here's the link to one of them if you'd like to learn more about how to create a clear marketing message:

That's it for this week.

Until next week!


P.s. Feeling overwhelmed as a creator?

Want to spend more time building the things you love and less time marketing them?

I write and optimise copy for creators so that they can spend less time selling and more time creating.

If you would like more spare time to create content/products/services and want to spend less time marketing them...

Book a free 30-minute call with me here: