How Logan made a client $12,500 in 7 days

From awareness to conversion.

Read time: 3 minutes

Wondering why I put a picture of a dog here?

Well, this is my sausage dog, Emmy.

This week she had to wear a funnel (or cone of shame) after she had surgery to be spayed.

This isn't what this email is about.

In this email, I am going to talk about funnels, but a different kind.

Marketing funnels!

So what are they, and why should you know about them?

If you don't know what a marketing funnel is and you're building your business or have a business, you better keep reading.

In this issue I'm going to show you:

  1. What a marketing funnel is

  2. Why you should understand what a funnel is

  3. A funnel you can use with twitter

So buckle up!

1. What's a marketing funnel?

A marketing funnel is essentially a customer's journey.

It's the numerous stages a person goes through before becoming your customer.

Why is it called a funnel?

I actually like to think of it as a funnel with holes in it.

The top of the funnel is where the majority of people exist and they enter when they become interested in your product/service from things like social media or ads.

Once they're interested, they move to the middle of the funnel.

(Not everyone will be interested. That's why I like to think of it as a funnel with holes in it.)

Here they learn more about your product/service and this is where you try to persuade them that it's worth considering.

You might do this by offering free trials or free lead magnets.

Then, finally, at the bottom of the funnel, you try to convert people into paying customers.

Often this is done with, discounts, bonuses or any type of persuasive mechanism.

The aim of the game is to guide people through these stages and turn them into loyal customers.

2. Why should you understand what a funnel is?

A good marketing funnel makes all the difference when it comes to how much coin goes into your back pocket.

With a good marketing funnel, you can sell, and sell successfully.

Here's a good example of the power of a funnel:

3. A funnel you can use with Twitter

Here's a great example of a funnel you can use with Twitter.

Use it wisely.

That's all for this week.

Cya next thursday!


P.s. Feeling overwhelmed as a creator?

Want to spend more time building the things you love and less time marketing them?

I write and optimise copy for creators so that they can spend less time selling and more time creating.

If you would like more spare time to create content/products/services and want to spend less time marketing them...

Book a free 30-minute call with me here: