Optimise Your Productivity With These 10 Apps:

On Monday I asked my followers this:

So I compiled a list of the 10 most popular tools in this email for you guys to help boost your productivity:

1. Notion

By far, this was the top response. 

Notion is an awesome tool.

I use it as my second brain to dump anything and everything I learn in an organised manner.

Notion is an all-in-one workspace where you can keep all your notes, tasks, projects, and databases in one place.

It's super flexible, so you can use it for just about anything you need to be organised and productive. 

You can customise Notion to work for you and optimise your day-to-day routine.

Here's a signup link:

2. Canva

I use Canva for almost everything in my business.

I've created logos, my Twitter header, my profile picture, my ebook and my guide using Canva.

3. ChatGPT

If you haven't heard about ChatGPT you've probably been living under a rock or are from another planet.

And if that's the case, you've been missing out on this amazing AI tool.

I use ChatGPT for a range of things like replying to boring emails and for providing me with innovative and unusual ideas.

4. Evernote

Evernote is an app that helps you keep all your notes, ideas, and to-do lists in one place.

It works on different devices and makes being organised and productive super easy.

You can write notes, add files, set reminders, and even search through all your stuff later.

5. Alarm

This was the funniest response.

An alarm definitely helps with productivity.

The reply just caught me off guard haha

6. Apple Notes

This app is underrated.

I use apple notes ALL THE TIME.

Anytime I'm on the go and need to write an idea down - this is my go-to app.

If it's on your iPhone, use it!

7. Google Docs

Google docs is a free online word processor that helps you get stuff done with others.

You can create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and work on them at the same time with other people, no matter where you are.

It's got all the basic tools you need and makes collaboration a breeze, so you can spend less time emailing back and forth and more time getting things done!

8. Motion AI Calendar

I'd never heard of this one, but I'm definitely going to start using it.

Motion AI Calendar is a virtual assistant that helps you stay organised and productive.

It works by integrating with your existing calendar and providing intelligent scheduling suggestions, reminders, and task management capabilities.

With Motion AI Calendar, you can easily manage your appointments, to-do lists, and deadlines, all in one place.

9. My Calendar

Another great response.

Genuinely though, a calendar is a must

I like Google Calendar:

10. Forest

I use this one a heap when I'm studying

Forest is a great little reward system.

You set a timer and if you can stay off your phone for that time frame, you grow a little plant in your forest.

If you leave the app or become distracted, your tree will die.

It's a fun and effective tool for anyone looking to increase their productivity and avoid distractions.

I hope you liked this list!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a super productive weekend, friends.
