struggling with headlines? read this

Learn the proven techniques for creating headlines that sell and make your content stand out

The Secret to Writing Compelling Headlines

Read time: 3 minutes.

This week you will learn:

  1. Why headlines are important

  2. How to write a compelling headline

  3. Where to use headlines

  4. A tool I use to roast my headlines

I love this quote.

Your headline should grab your busy reader's attention.

8/10 people will read your headline.

Only 2/10 will go on to read the rest of your copy.

Make sure your headlines are clear, catchy and accurately reflect the content of your copy.

In today's environment you’re competing for attention against:

  • Netflix

  • Cat videos

  • Kim kardashian

  • The news

Here's an alarming statistic for you...

The average person’s attention span now falls between 12 and 8 seconds.

So when you write your next headline or hook, remember this...

Make it compelling!

So how do you do this?

The key to writing compelling headlines is to focus on the benefits your readers will get from your content. Start by considering the problems your readers face and how you can help solve them.


  • power words

  • persuasive language

  • statistics

  • numbers

  • context words

  • alert words

  • even Kim Kardashians name to make your readers head turn (celebrity names always grab people's attention)

Keep your headlines concise and specific, while still being interesting and informative.

And don't be afraid to test different styles and formats to see what works best for your audience.

Where do you write headlines?

Twitter - your first sentence in any tweet is essentially your headline.

You want your reader to keep reading?

Write something attention grabbing.

An email subject line - want your reader to open an email? Learn how to write an intriguing subject line.

Knowing how to write a good headline is also helpful for:

  • blog posts

  • news articles

  • landing pages

  • ads

In short, headlines are a critical component of any marketing or communication effort that seeks to capture people's attention and convey a message quickly and effectively.

A tool I use to analyse my headlines:

This is a website I found and use to analyse my headlines.

The tool is built on the principles of the behaviour model theory.


P.S. When you're ready there's 2 ways I can help you:

  1. I can build you an irresistible landing page to boost your conversions.

  2. I can help you write and optimise your copy.

DM me here:

Or book a free 30-minute call with me here: