My "Unconventional" Journey...

How I Found Success on My Own Terms: My Story and Insights for You

Read time: 4 minutes.

This week's newsletter is going to be a little different...

Don't let that scare you.

I wanted to share a little bit more about myself and how I'm turning my dreams into reality.

This week you will learn:

  1. How I started and grew to 2900+ Twitter followers

  2. What I'm doing now...

  3. How I hope my story will help you...

How it started...

In 2019, I was working full-time as a nurse doing 12-hour day and night shifts.

This meant:

  • working weekends

  • holidays

  • christmas

  • night shifts

  • (being tired all the time)

I dreamed of a better lifestyle.

So, I started my search, and this is what happened...

I began reading and learning all that I could about money, business and investing.

I wanted to make my money work for me, not the other way around.

So, I started learning from some of the best investors in the world, like:

  • Warren Buffet

  • Charlie Munger

  • Mohnish Pabrai

  • Phil Town

and many more.

I saw a way out.

And I focused on this for 3 years.

Continuously consuming resources that would help me learn more and implement my knowledge.

But there was one big thing stopping me from achieving the life I wanted - a ceiling on my income.

I already earned the most I could without going overboard with extra shifts to earn overtime pay as a nurse.

So, I went back to the drawing board and strategised how I could earn and invest more.

Here's what changed...

In 2022, I returned to uni and studied a Masters in Business (Finance).

I knew I liked learning about money, so I thought, why not get a degree where I continually learn about business and investing and then eventually make a career out of it?

What I didn't realise was...

I never wanted an office job where I was going to spend all day crunching numbers.

So I went back to the drawing board.

I switched my major into marketing, and I loved it!

I was fascinated by the psychology behind people and the reasons they do and don't buy things.

But there was another development...

I stumbled upon Twitter on my learning journey.

I wanted to learn from the best investors, business people and marketers and I heard that Twitter was full of valuable advice and resources.

So I signed up for my account in May 2022, but didn't touch it for months.

Then, in August I started scrolling and learning.

When I wrote my first tweet is when my mindset truly changed...

I figured if 17-year-old kids were out there making money through social media, I could too and maybe this was my ticket to escaping the shift work that comes with nursing.

I continually consumed content and education and wrote about it on Twitter.

And I haven't looked back since.

This semester I deferred uni to go all in on twitter and starting a business.

I took a huge leap of faith, but I know with hard work it will pay off.

I'm investing my money in coaching, resources, and people to help me reach my goals.

So I can have the lifestyle I want and leave shift work in the dust.

What I'm doing now...

The past few months I have spent all of spare time learning how to build high-converting landing pages and funnels

Now I'm building them for clients and collecting testimonials for my own landing page.

There will be some big changes to my offer in the coming weeks, and I can't wait to progress to a point where I have a strong offer and a smooth funnel.

How I hope my story will help you...

If this story resonated with you, look at your life and what you're not happy with and start making changes.

It doesn't have to be anything extreme.

But I truly believe a better life is possible with some passion, hard work and determination.

I can't wait to write the email to you one day where I tell you I've managed to quit my job, run a business, and have the lifestyle I've always dreamed of.

Until then, I will continue writing valuable and actionable content and tips for you so that you can get to where you want faster.

Here's a recent tweet I wrote on the Twitter marketing funnel that I hope will help you if you're growing on Twitter and not sure how to go about it:

If you read this far... thanks for coming along for the ride.

I promise next week will include some actionable marketing advice.

And if you need any help with your own landing page or funnel, send me a DM here:

Until then, have an awesome week!


P.S. When you're ready there's 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Let me build you an irresistible landing page that captures your audience's attention and compels them to take action.

  2. Or, let me help you craft compelling copy that resonates with your ideal customers and drives them to convert.

DM me here:

Or book a free 30-minute call with me here: