Unlock the Power of Email

How Email Sequences Can Supercharge Your Sales

Read time: 3 minutes.

This week's email is on emails.

You'll discover how to use email marketing to nurture leads, build relationships, and drive sales over time.

This week you will learn:

  1. About the most effective marketing weapon.

  2. How to deliver and get your emails opened.

  3. To utilise the 8-step ultimate email checklist to create valuable emails that boost your sales.

Your most effective marketing weapon?


If you're looking for a way to boost your marketing efforts and convert more leads into customers, then email marketing is the answer.

In simple terms, email marketing is the act of sending emails to prospects and customers with the goal of:

  • building relationships

  • driving engagement

  • making more sales

But why is email marketing so effective?

It automates your selling process.

An email can sell to 5 people as easily as it can sell to 50,000 people!

Email allows you to reach your target audience directly, in a personal and engaging way. Unlike social media or advertising, where your message may get lost in a sea of noise, email allows you to deliver your message right to your prospects' inbox, where it's more likely to be seen and acted upon.

But that's not all. Email marketing also allows you to segment your audience based on their interests and behavior, which means you can send more targeted and relevant messages that resonate with your prospects and customers. And with the ability to track opens, clicks, and conversions, you can measure and optimise your email campaigns for maximum impact.

How to deliver and get your emails opened...

Have you ever sent an important email only to have it ignored or left unopened?

It can be frustrating and discouraging, especially when you're trying to communicate something important.

Your emails need to be:

  1. delivered

  2. opened

  3. clicked

How do you do these 3 things?

  • Sender reputation matters! Some of the ways you can improve your reputation score include having your messages read, replied to, marked as "not spam", and moved to an inbox folder.

  • Sending valuable and engaging emails. You need to create emails that have your audience hanging for the next one. Help your readers and they'll help you.

  • Formatting. Write emails that are easy to read. This includes using bullet points, not using long pieces of text, and write like you're writing to a friend.

  • Subject lines that are 4-5 words max and induce intrigue. Make your reader curious! It will force them to open the email.

  • Entertain, excite and engage your readers. Don't bore them!

The 8 Step Ultimate Email Checklist:

  1. Use a personal sender name (rather than a business/brand name)

  2. Ensure your subject line is max 5 words and makes the reader curious.

  3. Write the preheader text to further intrigue your readers.

  4. Engage your readers with valuable and exciting content.

  5. Don't include too many visuals or graphics. Plain text does best.

  6. Write like you're writing to a friend.

  7. Make the emails about your reader and not yourself.

  8. Tell them to act when it comes to your CTA

Until next week!


P.S. When you're ready there's 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Let me build you an irresistible landing page that captures your audience's attention and compels them to take action.

  2. Or, let me help you craft a compelling sales funnel that resonates with your ideal customers and drives them to convert.

DM me here:

Or book a free 30-minute call with me here: