How "unselling" can help you sell

The best way to market and sell (but with a twist).

Read time: 4 mins

This week I'm sharing with all 382 of you:

  • A free marketing checklist to help grow and monetise your personal brand

  • How to market and sell (but with a twist)

You will learn 3 things:

  1. How to position your brand on Twitter and monetise (with the checklist)

  2. How unselling can help you sell

  3. How to "unsell" your products and services

The Twitter Marketing Checklist: 10-Steps to Turn Your Followers into Customers

If you missed it, I did a giveaway this week...

It was free for 24 hours, but I wanted to give it to my newsletter subscribers for free.

Here's the 100% off download link:

How unselling can help you sell...

In the world of marketing, we often focus on selling our products and services as aggressively as possible.

We bombard our customers with advertisements, emails, and social media posts, all aimed at convincing them to buy what we're selling.

But what if there was a better way?

What if, instead of trying to push our products on our customers, we focused on their needs and desires, and let them come to us?

That's the idea behind "unselling".

A subtle approach to marketing that puts the customer first.

By emphasising their needs and desires over our products, we can build stronger customer relationships, leading to greater sales and loyalty in the long run.

3 Tweets that will help you understand "unselling":

Here's a bunch of "do not's" when it comes to marketing and working with your clients from Charlie Bennet that I like (click read full conversation to see his tips):

Notice that the largest part of Jose's funnel is the "building trust" zone:

And here's a strategy from Justin Welsh that emphasises helping your customers:

So how do you "unsell" your products and services?

Here are a few tips:

Listen to your customers:

If you jump on a call with your client, or speak to a customer, you should spend the majority of that time listening to them, not talking at them.

  • Take the time to listen to them.

  • What are their pain points?

  • What do they want?

By understanding their needs, you can tailor your messaging to better resonate with them.

Offer value first:

Before asking your customers to buy anything, offer them something of value for free.

This could be a:

  • helpful guide

  • a useful tool

  • some expert advice

By providing value first, you build trust and establish yourself as a helpful resource.

Focus on benefits, not features:

Instead of listing all the features of your product or service, focus on the benefits it provides to your customers.

  • I like to list every single feature and then every single benefit of that feature in my copy.

  • How will it make their lives easier or better?

Emphasising the benefits will make your product more appealing and relevant to your customers.

Be authentic:

Finally, remember that "unselling" is all about building authentic relationships with your customers.

In your communications be:

  • honest

  • transparent

  • genuine

Always prioritise their needs over your own.

Your customer is the reason your business exists!

P.S. When you're ready there's 2 ways I can help you:

  1. I can build you an irresistible landing page to boost your conversions.

  2. I can help you write and optimise your copy.

DM me here:

Or book a free 30-minute call with me here: