How to write a newsletter people ACTUALLY want to read.

With 4 Ways to Write a Killer Newsletter

Welcome to the 53 new subscribers of The Marketing Mastery from this week.

Thank you for subscribing!

This week’s issue includes 3 things:

  1. Is a Newsletter for You?

  2. 4 Ways to Write a Newsletter That Your Audience ACTUALLY Wants to Read

  3. Tools To Help You To Start

Read time: 3 mins.

Is a Newsletter for you?

If you like:

  • writing

  • copywriting

  • marketing

  • building your brand

Then you should start your own newsletter.

A newsletter is a great way to stay accountable and turn writing into a habit.

It’s also a great way to practice your copywriting skills.

You see, everything from the:

  • Title

  • Subject line

  • Body

  • Conclusion

MUST be written to compel your reader to continue reading.

Building a newsletter audience takes time and effort, but with the right techniques, it can become a powerful tool to engage your audience and grow your brand.

Here’s 4 Ways to Write a Newsletter That Your Audience ACTUALLY Wants to Read:

  1. First, know what you’re writing about and who you’re writing to. 

  • Are you writing to inform, entertain, or sell?

  • Once you have a clear idea, you can start.

  • TIP: I look at my favourite newsletters and dissect what I like most about them and try to incorporate that into my newsletter

  1. Then, create a subject line that intrigues people and compels them to click and read on.


  • There’s no point in writing a detailed newsletter post that you’ve put hours of hard work into if your subscribers don’t even click to open the email!

  1. Write a headline that sucks your readers in and makes them want to find out what you’re going to say.

  • 6 in 10 people only read the headline of an article before deciding whether to read the rest of the content.

  1. Write the body so that every line leads to something intriguing.

  • The reader must feel like they are attaining value from your newsletter.

  • Value is key!

  • People don’t want to waste their time.

  • Every time you write a newsletter issue think “would I open this?” and “would I want to read this?” and “what are my readers getting from this”

Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to creating a newsletter that people will look forward to reading.

Tools To Help You To Start:

If you’re interested in starting your own newsletter here’s a link to start your own on beehiiv.

I like beehiiv because I find it super easy to use. (Disclaimer: this is an affiliate link)

Here’s a tweet from Matt Gray with some killer newsletter tips:

Thanks for reading!

See you next week.
